I wanted a tool that created something close to versioned backups that were browsable in Finder, that didn't take a ton of drive space, and that made it super-simple to restore any single macro or macro group * Time Machine backs up the entire macros file, not individual macros or groups from some point in history. So I set out to find a better backup solution for my macros. I recovered the older macros, but the new work was just gone. And a while back, that caused an issue: Between the regular backups (Time Machine and removable external drive), I had a sync issue and I lost a few hours' worth of work on a new macro, and some untold number of old macros vanished. I back up my macros reliably, as part of my overall backup plan. I use Keyboard Maestro a lot- a quick search here reveals how often I write about it, and I use it much more than I write about it.